Gwen MacLean, CSI, RMT
info [snail] gwenmaclean [period] ca -> mailto:info [snail] gwenmaclean [period] ca
Structural Integrator
Heilkunst Sequential Homeopathy
Initial consultation (2 hours) - $265.00
Followup (1.5 hours) - $220.00
Followup (1 hour) - 165.00
Rolf Method Structural Integration appointments last between 1-1.25 hours. Bring your viewing clothes to all the appointments.
Each session - $124.00
All fees include HST
A Health History, Timeline Guideline (for Heilkunst Sequential Homeopathy) and Clinic policy form will be emailed to you for completion before your first appointment. Please complete your Health History and Clinic Policy forms at least a day before your appointment and your Timeline 5 days before your appointment so I can prepare before you arrive.
Secure and convenient online appointment booking.