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Sequential Homeopath, Structural Integrator

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Bio: Gwen MacLean

Gwen MacLean, RMT

Gwen first heard about Structural Integration in her last semester of Massage Therapy training.

Intrigued, she went through the 10 series and her back pain that had been an issue for 26 years went away for the long term. Mind-blowing!

She is empowering other people "to live their best life" with the Rolf Method of Structural Integration 10 series and a highly effective simple self care program.

She is amazed and humbled by the profound changes in her clients every session.

Gwen is a graduate of the D'Arcy Lane Massage Therapy and Neuro Movement Integration.

Gwen is in good standing with the Massage Therapists' Association of Nova Scotia.

Massage Therapists' Association of Nova Scotia     Society of Homeopaths Registered Member

Gwen MacLean,
Sequential Heilkunst Homeopath & Structural Integrator
Honey & Ginger
262 Baker Drive, Unit 105
Dartmouth, NS B2W 6L4
(902) 631-8711   info [snail] gwenmaclean [period] ca -> mailto:info [snail] gwenmaclean [period] ca

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