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Sequential Homeopath, Structural Integrator

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Understanding Chronic Pain

Four part series on understanding how pain works, how it can change even if you have had pain for many years and tools to manage it at home

The cost of the series is $60 and the start date is Tuesday September 17 , 2019 from 7-8pm.

chronicpain.jpg: 940x788, 109k (June 25, 2019, at 08:47 PM)


Gwen MacLean,
Sequential Heilkunst Homeopath & Structural Integrator
Honey & Ginger
262 Baker Drive, Unit 105
Dartmouth, NS B2W 6L4
(902) 631-8711   info [snail] gwenmaclean [period] ca -> mailto:info [snail] gwenmaclean [period] ca

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