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Sequential Homeopath, Structural Integrator

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Frequently Asked Questions

What happens in the Structural Integration consultation?

I review your health history including any traumas, surgeries, injuries, diet, sleep, self care, supplements and stress level to get a full picture of your health. You talk about what goals and intentions you have based on your health situation and body structure. From there I create a treatment plan based on your goals.

How do I choose a practitioner offering Rolf Method Structural Integration or other fascia work?

The International Association of Structural Integration provides a list of approved Structural Integration schools. Graduates from these schools have received an education approved by the Association. Neuro Movement Integration is where I received my training and it is approved by the International Association of Structural Integration.

What type of clothes should I wear for my Structural Integration sessions?

To view and treat your structure it is necessary to wear "viewing clothes". For men, this would be a pair of briefs or boxer briefs. For women, this would be a 2-piece swimsuit or a sports bra and short stretchy or loose fitting shorts. If possible, wear the same viewing clothes each session. If you are uncomfortable with these viewing clothes suggestions, please let me know and we can help find a workable alternative.

A Typical SI Session

We start the session with a few movements so I can see areas of strain in your body and how your body moves. During the session, I work within your comfort level applying pressure based on your feedback.
You will participate in the session by making small, specific movements in conjunction with the therapists movements. During the sessions, I will help you become aware of habitual patterns of movement and imbalances in your body and will help you to work toward making changes in these patterns.
At the end of each session I will demonstrate brain repatterning homework related to that session to reinforce the changes we just made.

How far apart can I do the sessions?

The sessions are optimally spaced one week apart for ten weeks in a row but can be tailored to your needs.

Do I need to do anything special after a Structural Integration session?

A 10-15 minute walk is required to aid the brain in sorting out what changes need to be made in the tissues.
Intense activity the day of treatment is not recommended.
Drinking extra water for 24 hours after the session is also important. The connective tissues need to be hydrated to soften and release their restrictions.

Is there anything else I should be doing besides my alignment and repatterning exercises?

Yes, I can teach you specific pain free techniques on a foam roller that support and mimic the work that happens in the treatment sessions.
These techniques also can help top relieve pain and dysfunction at the time it is happening giving you more control over your body and health. The program is called Relief Through Rolling and anyone can use these techniques to relieve pain and dysfunction in their body.

Can I do some sessions and stop when I feel better?

Dr Ida Rolf spent 30 years developing the protocol, it takes the 10 sessions to update the brain with optimal movement patterns and functioning.
That being said, you can try one session to see if its a fit for you and the body will still be balanced.

Do I need more sessions after I finish the 10 series?

I recommend clients come once every 3 months for a tune up to keep your body functioning optimally and to work on more deeply held tissues that need more time to release.
If you keep up with all assigned homeworks and be in your line as much as possible, you will continue to see positive changes in your body's functioning and comfort.

Is Rolf Method of Structural Integration covered under my Extended Health Insurance?

Rolf Method of Structural Integration is billed as Registered Massage Therapy. Refer to your Extended Health Insurance plan to see if you have coverage.

Will Structural Integration conflict with my other therapies?

Not at all, it actually enhances the other therapies and you will generally need much less treatment overall.
It is recommended that you wait 2 days after a SI session before you have Massage Therapy or Physiotherapy but you can have Chiropractic and Osteopathic treatments any time without affecting the Structural Integration work.

What areas of the body do you work on each session?

Superficial Extrinsic Sessions
  • Session 1 is the hour of vital capacity. The goals for this session are to begin opening the ribcage, free the shoulder girdle from the ribcage, lift the thorax off the pelvis and begin bringing the legs under the body.
  • Session 2 is the hour of the feet and legs. The goals of this session are to balance the whole leg and arches within the foot and free the pelvis from the thorax.
  • Session 3 is the hour of the quadratus lumborum. The goal for this session is to open the side of the torso, freeing the shoulder girdle from the ribcage and free the quadratus lumborum.
Core Intrinsic Sessions
  • Session 4 is the hour of the adductors. The goals of this session are to begin balancing the pelvis from side to side by freeing the adductors and start to free the floor of the pelvis.
  • Session 5 is the hour of the psoas. The goals of this session are to continue balancing the pelvis from front to back.
  • Session 6 is the hour of the sacrum. The goals of this session are to balance the sacrum within the pelvis.
  • Session 7 is the hour of the sphenoid. The goals of this session are freeing the head from the neck and neck from the shoulder girdle, balance and free the cranium.
Balancing Sessions
  • Sessions 8 and 9 are the balancing sessions. One will balance the lower girdle and the other will balance the upper girdle. The goals of these sessions are to balance and integrate all the structures that have been freed up in the previous seven sessions.
  • Session 10 is the hour of the joints. The general goals of this session are to balance and free the joints and encourage structural and functional integration.

Gwen MacLean,
Sequential Heilkunst Homeopath & Structural Integrator
Honey & Ginger
262 Baker Drive, Unit 105
Dartmouth, NS B2W 6L4
(902) 631-8711   info [snail] gwenmaclean [period] ca -> mailto:info [snail] gwenmaclean [period] ca

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